Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another day.....

Today I wish I could have stayed home... kept my head firmly planted on my pillow... but this work thing keeps getting in the way....
There are many things going on today... I am set to get a hair cut... short.... this is scary. I may chicken out and get the normal cut just because I know it is "safe". I seem to do a lot in my life on the safe side... change is scary and I am a big whimp when it comes to change. Hence why I leave things as they are on the home front. It is safe and consistent.
So I want to move to another subject that I deal with on a daily basis.... my drug addicted, mentally compromised son. Though his addiction to drugs is on prescription drugs, it makes no difference because he abuses them and we at home all suffer from this. And to add to the frustration, he has mental health issues... bipolar, manic depression, ADD, borderline personality disorder, narcissism and schizo-effective disorder. ALL being treated with certain medications that are all very addictive. Needless to say, we live on the edge of insanity. I have found FA (Families Anonymous). This has brought much needed peace into my mind and has taught me many things. I did not cause this, I can not control it nor can I cure it. And all I can do is control HOW I react to the things he does or says. Not allow him to bait me into heated arguments and to keep my witts about me when he does things I don't understand..... are there others out there like me.... YES, thank God, I am not alone! Though most only deal with one issue (drug addiction) I have to deal with 2 (addiction/ mental health) but I know that I can survive this by setting limits and controling my reactions.... and attending my meetings to get continued support and help with ways to "deal". I look forward to my meeting tonight.


Wamblings said...

*hugs* Thanks for sharing your blog. Writing is so therapeutic. Often we have answers inside that we don't know we have till we see what we wrote.

I write constantly but it must seem sporadic at any given blog. My blogspot is
I try for at least a post a week there. On its sidebar are links to some of my other mostly public blogs but I have some others that are friends only. If you find yourself over at LiveJournal, I have three over there I post to pretty regularly.

mzsalty said...

Thanks for checking in here... it does help to write. I have not heard of LiveJournal... I will need to check it out!

Sally said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are going to meetings for support! That has to be very helpful. Keep it up! And since I didn't tell you, thank you for your constant support!